Wanted: A Few Good People

In the spirit of my recent An Immodest Proposal, here is a suggestion for Elon Musk's proposed Government-efficiency Commission (GeC):
Action Force Teams (AFT) that create a pilot for a legislated idea.
What is the deliverable? A working pilot. For example, in the case of rural high speed internet access, the pilot results in a functioning network for a largish geographical area taking into account terrain and weather. (Why this example? Broadband Internet access for rural America was enacted in 2021 with 42 billion dollars in the kitty. To date, "not one home or business has been connected through it.")
An AFT pilot is to demonstrably deliver the most for the least cost.
If feasible, assign two independent AFTs on the same problem but in different geographic locations.
The AFT will be free of:
regulations that include diversity, equity and inclusion requirements,
climate-change rules
price controls (artificial, arbitrary or otherwise)
preferences for union labor, and (in the case of the broadband Internet project)
schemes that favor government-run networks.
Each AFT is set up to implement legislation that is funded but stalled or being boondoggled.
Each AFT reports to the head of GeC and enjoys considerable latitude and independence.
After each pilot, an AAR (after action review) will enumerate what worked and what did not and what could be improved to help implement fully what was intended in the legislation.
AFTs use their best judgement to implement a fiscally responsible, functioning pilot using available resources.
No irreversible actions are to be taken.
When things go awry, then changes and corrections are made and learned from.
This is not a laboratory-controlled experiment; it is to show what is possible with a rapid hands-on implementation of what has already been legislated. The mistakes made along the way are essential in getting the best results in the national roll out.
Each AFT is a select, recruited group of action-takers, innovators, implementers, and pathfinders.
It is quintessential that each member, including volunteers, has a demonstrated ability to get real things done.
It is important that each member understands "urgency trumps all".
Action team members rotate off and on with a mix of people from not-for-profits, from government (including the military) and from industry.
Local communities are consulted to identify specific needs and to help develop a functioning pilot.
Compensation for AFT members is paid from existing funds in the stalled project or from projects that are evolving into boondoggles.
Team dynamics are addressed up front and resolved early.
Each AFT ascribes to and follows best practices for high performing teams.
John's books can be ordered via these links:
Fables for Leaders
Leading from the Middle
Copyright all text by John Lubans 2024