Encourage Assent, Discourage Dissent: The Limits of Social Media

Posted by jlubans on December 03, 2024


More than a few social media posters are absolutely certain. And they certainly are not going to include any contrarian ideas or skepticism about what they claim.
Social media is the epicenter for absolutist thinking, the My Way or the Highway kind.
Interestingly, many posts are re-posts and are removed at some distance from one?s own thinking.
Speaking of re-posting, I favor Ralph Walso Emerson who said, "don't give me quotations, tell me what you think."
But many do re-post. Why?
According to AI, there several reasons, but these two stand out:
Validation: shares, we are told, can provide a sense of validation and boost self-esteem. Social media can act as a feedback loop where people feel rewarded for sharing content that like-minded others engage with (supposedly). In any case, AI suggests we get some kind of jollies out of re-posting, especially with a savage stab at the SEND button.
And then there's our chartibable selves coming out - we certainly think we are doing a service by, sharing Information and Influencing others. Many see social media as an impactful tool (which brings us back to the psychological quirk, validation of self.)
OK. We can do all that, but what options do we have when we see something we view as particularly egregious, incorrect, biased, distorted, prejudiced, one-sided, parti pris!, warped, jaundiced, inimical or misrepresented? Whew!
Of my Facebook friends, there are a few who seek confrontation, like a belligerent drunk who wants to fight everybody in the bar.
Well, on Facebook, you can make a comment, hold your tongue, pick an emoji, or click on the like button. So social media, at least what I see of it, channels us into assent and discourages our dissent.
AI tells me that Facebook did consider the idea of a "dislike" button, but decided not to.
A thumbs-down button could lead to negative consequences, such as cyberbullying and promoting negativity on the platform.
Anyway, we like the like button.
Positive and Negative Feedback: We seek approval and positive reinforcement, which is why a thumbs up feels rewarding. It is said to trigger a spritz of happy dopamine.
On platforms like X, feedback is visible to others, which can amplify the emotional impact. Positive reactions can lead to a sense of community and acceptance, while negative ones can feel like public criticism leading to ostracization.
Instead, of a Dislike button Facebook offers Reactions, to express emotions like like, love, haha, wow, sad, and angry.
Does any social media platform include an option for expressing genuine skepticism about something you have invested your time in reading?
So let's get to the res: What about expressions of skepticism, especially for those re-posts that you arguably believe to be propaganda and a lazy way to express a world view.
Don't bother?
Perhaps nothing on social media should be taken seriously. It?s entertainment.
I am interested in cute kid, cat and dog pictures and stories, but as for enlightenment about life, I'll take the real thing.
AI suggests, when I am skeptical about a post, I use something like this: 🤨💭❓ (Raised eyebrow + thought bubble + question mark)
Cumbersome, but maybe better than nothing.
The trio might convey "Hold on, mon ami, why should I believe your single-sided point of view?" without getting into a fist fight.
For me, responding with a well thought out comment is time consuming if I want to convey my meaning without a back and forth. So, I do not bother and keep on scrollin'.
Let's shift some of the burden of explanation/clarification/revision on the poster or re-poster.
Why not use the "universal signal that something requires a response or further thought"?
A stand-alone question mark.

Speaking of skepticism, open up one of my books and find it in abundance about the workplace and leadership. Order here:
Fables for Leaders
Leading from the Middle

Copyright all text by John Lubans 2024

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