Lubans Fable: What the Wren Saw, Repeated from 2019

Caption: The roof rafters of the outdoor stage at Latvia?s annual Dobele Lilac Festival.
A little bird, a wren, swooped into the rafters of an outdoor stage.
It was during a wind and rain-swept outdoor concert. He perched and listened.
Now and then, he?d flit off but always to come back, seemingly enthralled by and curious about the beautiful music on such a cold and wet day.
Singers sang to listeners under dripping plastic capes and umbrellas on backless wooden benches.
A half dozen instrumentalist - more exposed than the singers - supplied, with gusto, the melodies for each song.
And, each song got an appreciative cheer with applause and foot stomping on the wet grass.
The curious wren took this in and marveled.
Most of all, he took to heart the enthusiasm of the musicians and the audience.
The wren resolved - instead of hunkering down in the cold rain ? he?d sing his forest song evermore sweetly.
As a leader or follower, think of the wren in the rain.

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Copyright John Lubans all text 2023