Posted by jlubans on April 27, 2023


A SQUIRREL once served a Lion: I know not how, or in what capacity.
But this much is certain, that the Squirrel's service found favour in the Lion's eyes; and to satisfy the Lion is, certainly, no light affair.
In return for this, it was promised a whole waggon-load of nuts.
Promised —yes; but, meanwhile, time continues to fly by.
Our Squirrel often suffers hunger, and has tears in its eyes while grinning in the Lion's presence. When it looks round in the forest, its former comrades show themselves here and there high up among the trees. It looks at them till its eyes begin to blink; but they keep on always cracking nuts.
Our Squirrel takes a step towards the nut-bushes, looks at them—it can do no more.
At one time it is called away, at another it is even dragged off, on the Lion's service.
But see! At last the Squirrel has grown old, and become tedious to the Lion.
It is time for it to retire.
They have granted the Squirrel its discharge, and they have actually given it the full load of nuts. Excellent nuts—such as the World has never seen before.
All picked fruit—one as good as another a perfect marvel: only one thing is unlucky —the Squirrel has long ago lost all its teeth.

One can see why with the Lion’s – and other monarchs’ - uncaring attitude toward servants in their dotage revolutions were inevitable.
Another perspective is of that old chestnut (no pun intended) that no good deed goes unpunished.
The Squirrel has left the forest to work for the Lion in hopes of a great reward. His life is miserable, yet he persists.
Finally the happy day arrives and he is too short in the tooth to enjoy his reward.
Career-wise, if you half way on your journey in a profession and already pining for that front porch rocker (retirement) well now's the time to think about those metaphorical sister and brotehr squirrels foot loose and fancy free in the nut tree forest. Why not?

*Source: Krilof and his fables, by Krylov, Ivan Andreevich, 1768-1844; Ralston, William Ralston Shedden, 1828-1889. Tr. London, 1869

My book, Fables for Leaders - which offers immediate rewards, no need to wait until retirement - is available. Click on the image and order up!

And, squirrels of the world should unite to read my book on democratic workplaces,
Buy here.

© Copyright commentary by John Lubans 2023


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