Ambrose Bierce's A Needless Labour*

After waiting many a weary day to revenge himself upon a Lion for some unconsidered manifestation of contempt, a Skunk finally saw him coming, and posting himself in the path ahead uttered the inaudible discord of his race.
Observing that the Lion gave no attention to the matter, the Skunk, keeping carefully out of reach, said:
Sir, I beg leave to point out that I have set on foot
an implacable odour.
My dear fellow, the Lion replied, you have taken a needless trouble; I already knew that you were a Skunk.
I have to admit, I ran into some skunks in my career. No doubt, perhaps for good reason, they thought likewise of me.
For the most part, like the lion in Bierce's fable, I was aware of who was the skunk and happily stayed out of range.
On a rare occasion, I failed to recognize the skunk in sheep's clothing and got a blast of its implacable odour.
Mostly I dodged the spray but some of its effervescence did cling and overtime, the stench got stronger and stronger.
Such is life, as Ned Kelly reportedly said, at his hanging.
New York and London:
G. P. PUTNAM?S SONS, The Knickerbocker Press 1899

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Copyright commentary John Lubans 2024